Clean Up OUR Congress.Org   




Our goal: Get Candidates for Congress to sign the Clean Up OUR Congress 2010 Pledge to support these 3 reforms:


1.     An annual tax audit for every Member of Congress.


Members should fully understand the tax laws they are imposing on other Americans.


2.     A pledge that,” If elected, I will never become a federal lobbyist.”


Members should never think about future lobbyist income while representing the people.


Members should also require staff they hire to take the same pledge Obama makes HIS staff take:  Not to lobby while their employing Member is still in office.


3.     A  change in ethics committee rules so either party can launch ethics investigations without the consent of the other.


One party should not be able to block an ethics investigation.

Candidates who support these key reforms could have a BIG advantage in the 2010 elections.

And there is no way Nancy Pelosi and her allies could support these reforms because they are part of the culture that tolerates too much corruption in Washington.

Here are six things you can do to help.

1.       Sign up as a supporter of our "Clean Up OUR Congress 2010" campaign and receive email updates on our progress.

2.       Contact candidates for Congress in your state or district and get them to sign the Pledge

3.       Candidates: Pledge to Clean Up OUR Congress in 2010.

4.       Spread the word to other leaders and volunteers Share/Bookmark

5.       Join our national leadership team to help build our new movement.

6.       Contribute $5.00 or whatever you think it’s worth to build this network from the grassroots up.

contact us at

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